We will help you to change your lifestyle habits


Did you know that it takes 20 minutes for the body's satiety signals to reach the brain. So for someone who takes one bite a minute, they may reach fullness within 20 bites of food. While someone who takes five bites a minute eats 100 bites more than the body really needs before the satiety signal reaches the brain.

Did you know that introducing short walks into your routine can have a tremendous impact. A daily 30-minute brisk walk will burn around 1,500 calories every week. This adds up to 39,000 calories over six months - the equivalent to over 11lb of fat.
Did you know that if you miss breakfast, you slow down your metabolism because you send your body into starvation mode. This will result in your body will storing the food as soon as you will eat it and you are also more likely to binge before your next meal.
  • Achieving your desired weight can often be achieved through small lifestyle changes that gradually build up to achieve significant results. Once we understand your daily routine, we can make targeted adjustments that will increase the amount of calories you burn and reduce your daily food intake. Tips include:
  • We will setup a food diary for you which will not only help you to track what you are eating, but will also stop you from excess eating.
  • Following an examination of your routine, we will insert targeted changes to help keep you active apart throughout the day. 
  • We will encourage small changes in your eating methods such as using a smaller plate. It sounds obvious but studies have shown that when we have more food available, we also eat more.
  • We will introduce effective psychological techniques such as a method called anchoring, which can help disassociated pleasure with unhealthy eating.
  • Once we understand your social interests, we can suggest tips on how to stay healthy during such occasions and  
  • Often unhealthy eating comes about from the eating habits of the family. We will help you introduce healthy food habits for your whole family to help them become healthy and also stay fit.